The gemstone Tourmaline has been known since ancient times. However, since it has very different external appearances, which all have colors of the rainbow, it was often confused with other stones. The red tourmaline was therefore called „Karfunkel“ in the Middle Ages, as was the ruby or garnet. Green tourmalines were also confused with emeralds, etc. Its present name did not become apparent until the 18th century. It comes from the Sinhalese (turmali) and is translated as „various stone“.

Characteristic of tourmaline is its wide variety of colours. At that time it was believed that this gemstone could shine out of itself. Although this is unfortunately not true, a special feature of some tourmalines is the so-called pleochroism. This means that the tourmaline can show different colors depending on the viewing angle. Tourmalines are very good electrical conductors, they can be charged electrostatically by rubbing or heat. This property was previously used to pull tobacco ash from the pipe and gave it the synonym „ash puller“. Tourmaline has always been used for the production of jewellery and works of art. Even today, it is still used as a gemstone.

For example.B the champions cup of the German Bundesliga is equipped with 21 tourmalines. Due to its properties, it is also used in the electrical industry. Rubellit was named after its red color (rubellos = reddish).

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