Elkogite is a high-pressure rock mass that forms at a depth of approx. 40 km, mainly in subduction zones, and is up to 3 billion years old. The elcogite from the type locality on the Saualpe is approx. 800 million years old and was formed south of the equator as the northern part of the Gondwana supercontinent and was moved to its current position by the continental drift.
Elkogite consists of approx. 70 % of green omphacite = clinopyroxene and garnet (mostly Pyropebut also Almandine-Grant ) are Quartzdists, rutile, titanite and may also contain micriscopic small diamond. What is always missing is plagioclase feldspar. Elkogite is formed at ultra high pressure around 27 kbar and temperatures of 500 to 1,000 degrees.
First described in 1801 by Sigismund von Hohenwart and Baron von Zois precisely from this location and is therefore Kupplerbrunn, Saualpe Type locality of elkogite.