Chrysocolla means "gold glue" (girech. chrysos=gold, kolla=glue). However, the exact origin of the name is uncertain. There are many synonyms for this stone: atlas ore, dillenburgite, verdigris, malachite silica, resanite. Chrysocolla is always formed secondarily by the action of siliceous groundwater and seepage water on copper-bearing rock. Like azurite or malachite, it is one of the leading minerals in the oxidation zones of copper ore deposits, i.e. its occurrence indicates the copper content of the rock.

Chrysocolla deposits can be found in Arizona/USA, Mexico, Peru, Congo and Namibia as well as Zambia. In Peru and Zaire there are often beautiful intergrowths with malachite and from Israel comes the rare Eilat stone, a chrysocolla that has grown together with azurite, turquoise and malachite.

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